Mediated Solutions
MSI has experience managing multiple public disputes including environmental and within the administrative and regulatory context. For example, in the role as mediation service provider for the Walkerton Compensation Plan, MSI has consulted on process, established protocols, vetted and oriented mediators as well as convening and administering interventions. MSI coordinated and oriented seventy (70) mediators to provide ADR services to multi cultural stakeholders as part of a nine-month landlord/Tenant mediation program in the Ontario General Courts.

MSI has designed and facilitated multiple national meetings under the Labour Mobility Chapter of the federal/provincial Agreement on Internal Trade, to negotiate mutual reciprocity agreements for the inter-provincial mobility of provincially regulated health care professions and occupational groups and has designed, convened and facilitated a series of community citizen engagement facilitations including members of the public, and MPPs in the non-partisan initiative, "Ontario Speaks: A Dialogue on National Unity.
